Our Team

Abigail Alling
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Abigail ‘Gaie’ has been actively engaged in marine conservation and environmental projects for over 3 decades. She received a Masters of Science degree from Yale University and was the former Director of Marine Ecological Systems and Assistant Director of Research and Development for the ‘Biosphere 2’ project.

Mark “Laser” Van Thillo
Chief Operations Officer & Captain of sailing vessel Mir
Mark ‘Laser’ has led all technical aspects of Biosphere Foundation’s projects, including the design and construction of the NW Biosphere Center. He was the former Director of Technical Systems for the ‘Biosphere 2’ project and co-Captain of the historic 1991-1993 experiment.

Chris Cooke
Director of Ocean Programs and Captain Yacht Mir
Chris heads our 2021 – 2025 Coral Triangle Voyages and is the musician/composer for ‘Studio of the Sea.’ Previously, he carried the responsibilities of First Mate (2014 – 2020), and received his Captain’s License in 2020. .

Dr. Kitty Currier
Director of Environmental Science Programs
Kitty supports science and innovation in Biosphere Foundation’s field-learning programs. She holds graduate degrees in geography from the University of California, Santa Barbara and a bachelor’s degree in biology from Stanford University.
PT Biosphere Stewardship Center and Yacht Mir

Rini Nugraha
Business Manager
Rini oversees all aspects of Biosphere Bali’s business and strategic planning. Previously, Rini has worked for 16 years as an executive manager for international companies. She is a native of Java and speaks fluent English and Bahasa.

Ketut Sutama
Supervisor Biosphere Center, Marine Stewardship Program Leader
Pak Sutama leads our Coral Steward program to replant living (but broken) coral fragments back on the reef, as well as oversee the Biosphere Center operations in NW Bali. Previously he was the Chief Diver for our “Friends of Menjangan’ Community-Movement in NW Bali.

Lulu Sulastri
Head of Sea Education Programs
Lulu is developing our biosphere stewardship education programs for Island Communities in Indonesia. Previously, she incorporated and led an advertising company in Bali for 7 years. She has traveled the world and speaks fluent English and Bahasa.

Sofwan Sepfree Asril
Education Coordinator
Sepfree has 13 years of diving experience and is a certified Dive Master and First Aid Responder. At Biosphere Foundation, he coordinates the education programs and stewardship projects. He is a native of Bali and speaks fluent English and Bahasa.

I Made (Kadek) Sudana
Site Manager and Sustainable Agriculture & Forestry
Kadek works on-site at our education center in NW Bali where we have a farm for testing economically viable crops in the dry-monsoon climate to provide seed for farmers and families. Additionally, Kadek is a leader in our forest restoration and sustainable agriculture projects.
Advisors and Project Leaders

Emerald Starr
Wastewater Gardens® (WWG)
Emerald has been working with Biosphere Foundation in Bali since 1997 and has designed and installed WWG systems in Bali and elsewhere in Indonesia.

Dr. Phil Dustan
Advisor, Coral Reef Research Programs
Phil is a Professor of Biology, College of Charleston and has been collaborating with the Biosphere Foundation for several decades,

Rósa Björk Halldórsdóttir
Trash Education Ambassador with Yayasan Biosfir Indonesia
Rósa worked in the field of National Park Conservation & Management in Iceland for10 years. She has brought this experience to NW Bali to help raise awareness about the challenges of trash and provide possible solutions for waste management.
Biosphere Foundation Around the World

Ibu Nina Marliana
Chairwoman, Yayasan Biosfir Indonesia
Ibu Nina is the Founder & Chairwoman of Yayasan Biosfir Indonesia, our Biosphere Foundation partner-organization in Indonesia.

Carol Milner
Founder & President,
Biosphere Association
Carol is the Founder & President of Biosphere Association, BF’s UK partner-organization that works with local organizations in Nepal to improve waste management and river conservation.

Adrien Dyamantha
Co-Founder Yayasan Biosfir Indonesia
Adrien is the co-founder of our partner organization in Indonesia, Yayasan Biosfir Indonesia. She lives in Jakarta and is engaged with preparing curricula for Indonesian schools.
Board of Directors
Catherine M. Ward
Chair of the Board
Abigail K. Alling, M.S.
Chris Cooke
Anu Datta
Emerald Starr
Will Travis
Mark Van Thillo
Katie Watt
William G. Walker, Esq. , Trustee Emerita
Hugh Wheir, DVM, Trustee Emerita
Sandra Cline, Trustee Emerita

Pioneer in Planetary Stewardship Passes: Remembering Sally Silverstone