
Biosphere 2 – A Laboratory for the Study of Global Ecology


Biosphere 2 – A Marvel of Ecological Engineering

The short video (below) illustrates what it was like to live for two years inside Biosphere 2, a 3.15 acre closed system that was a  laboratory for the study of global ecology. The experiment set a world record for human life support: an 8-person crew grew 81% of their food, and recycled their air, water and wastes with ecologically engineered systems. It was a magnificent project, involving hundreds of people around the world and dedication by the core team who were pioneers of biospheric science. The human crew was essential because we were able to part of the experiment, and thus learning fundamental teachings about our emerging role as intelligent stewards  of our earth’s biosphere.
To learn more about Biosphere 2:
To view a description of Biosphere 2 Scientific & Engineering Accomplishments, click here.
Read about the first two year mission inside Biosphere 2!